Anna Grigorevna Sciuchina-Babiuk

Born March 11, 1976 in the city of Kishinev, Moldova.
1986 - 1987 Art Studio of the Palace of Trade Unions, Kishinev
1987 - 1991 Republican Art College of Plamadeala, Kishinev
1996 - 2002 Kiev, Ukraine, National Academy of the Fine arts and
Architectures, faculty of Painting, Workshop of Monumental Painting,
under Professor Chekanjuk.
2002  Awarded Master of Arts Diploma.
Currently engaged in Painting, Book artwork, and teaching.
2003 – Present: Drawing, painting, sculpture, illustrator in
Institute of the International Rationes "Perspective" magazine,
Kishinev, Moldova.
Many of the artist’s works are in private collections in the USA,
Italy, Switzerland, Ukraine, Moldova and
other countries in Europe and the CIS

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